Avoid a Toxic Remote Work Environment. Improve Employees Working Life

The working environment is now more important when working remotely as this could be the new way of working life for many employees and employers… Leaders will need to take a look at how they can support their teams remotely. Whilst offering a good work environment.

Some leaders have made moves to support staff during the uncertainty. Whereas, others have been criticised for their business decisions. There have been some extremities reported on Mumsnet, a boss lacked so much trust in a department that employees logged their screen time, reported leaving their desk and to make a drink or to use the toilet.

Going forward it’s necessary for leaders to identify if they are encouraging a toxic remote working environment. If the signs are there that they might be, how they can stop it.                                                       

Bad work environment

To Be Or Not To Be


Whilst it’s tempting to stay in constant contact with employees, micromanaging your employee can have a severe impact on the employee’s wellbeing. This approach to managing can lead to frustration and resentment from employees, as implies a lack of trust. Crucially you should avoid this at all costs and let your team know they are trusted to get on with their responsibilities.

Transparency – A Key to a Healthy Work Environment

Employees could be given full transparency when it comes to the business so as not to be blindsided if something were to go wrong. To make this possible it is helpful to schedule regular meetings with teams. Offering full insight into how the business is managing during the pandemic and what plans you have going forward.

Lacking Empathy

The current situation with the pandemic requires a great level of empathy. We are all navigating the situation the best we can. If an employee does not feel this they are likely to feel undervalued and demotivated. Everyone will be facing different struggles so it is necessary to show understanding and compassion by offering increased flexibility to navigate these struggles.

Prevent Burnout and Promote a Healthy Work Environment

Encouraging your team to work harder rather than smarter, will see staff start to burnout as a result of this. Whilst employees are working remotely, they may feel the need to be ever-present to demonstrate to you how hard they are working, leading to the always-on culture. It’s therefore down to you to encourage staff to switch off when working from home. Championing them to work smarter and to not blur the lines. Create a smarter work environment.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Employees will look to the business leader for guidance and support, following what you say through could support this. This leads to trust and respect, the perfect work environment.