How to keep staff happy in the workplace

Wondering how to keep staff happy in the workplace?

Over the last few years, both the world and workplace certainly have changed. Remote or hybrid work tends to be the new normal and more employees are requesting flexible hours so that their career compliments their home life. However, recent research shows three in five employees feel disengaged.

“The great resignation” has sparked concern for employers and with the controversial coining of the term “quiet quitting”, employers are left questioning how they can keep employees happy in the workplace.

Communication is key

It is key to have regular communication with employees. These frequent interactions are valuable points of connection for your employees (and for you). Not only does this prevent your staff from feeling invisible but it also encourages communication in the workplace which is a strong foundation for a harmonious working environment.

Give balanced feedback

Although employees like to know what they are doing well, they also want to know where they can improve. Sharing areas of improvement can help motivate employees to work towards their career goals. Additionally, this can fuel determination and progression.

Offer flexibility

As humans, we are all unique, meaning no two of us will have the same lifestyle or commitments. So how can the same working hours and arrangements suit everyone? The answer is that it doesn’t. Providing your employees with an opportunity to work remotely or even flexible hours can be interpreted as a sign of respect, trust and even appreciation. Offering such flexibility can also decrease turnover rates. Research shows 69% of employees want to choose where and how they work and 45% reporting they would look for a new job if they are not able to work where and when they want.

Encourage effort

Whilst we all love to see results, we often forget about the effort put in to achieve such results. Efforts go into everything we do in the workplace, and this is where the real work happens. More often than not, it requires tremendous effort to achieve the best results. Encouraging employees’ efforts can boost confidence and resilience in the workplace. This also tells employees that their efforts are being noticed.

Help employees learn and grow

Encouraging learning and growth in the workplace is key. This allows employees to feel as though there is room for them to progress whilst living a long and fulfilling career. This can also help your employees feel engaged and motivated in their current role.

We hope that this blog post has given you some useful tips on how to keep staff happy in the workplace. For further information about our services such as employee benefits packages, contact us today.